vendredi 29 juillet 2016

The guardian Africa's top 10 tech pioneers: 'We have become an internet-consuming culture'

Lina Ben Mhenni, Tunisia: ‘Digital action must be combined with real world action’

Author of the blog A Tunisian Girl, Lina Ben Mhenni rose to prominence during the Tunisian revolution in 2011, as she documented the Tunisian uprising and violence at the hands of the security forces.
Mhenni was one of the few Tunisian cyber activists who blogged under her real name while President Zine Ben Ali was still in office. Her blog was turned into a book and she was later a favourite for the Nobel peace prize.

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

The Economic Reconciliation Law Would be the End of the Tunisian Revolution

Last summer, the Tunisian government  had already tried to pass a law, known as the economic reconciliation law, and that would allow people who stole public funds and committed other financial crimes to enjoy amnesty for past crimes. That  draft law was proposed by the President of the Republic. It stirred controversy among politicians, anti-corruption activists and ordinary citizens. Several Tunisians had repeatedly  taken to the streets to show their opposition to such a law allowing the most corrupted people of the old regime to escape accountability. 

At the time, the protests halted the parliamentary debate on the bill. Nevertheless, on June 29, 2016 , the general committee on legislation started to debate it again. The members were asked to adopt the law in a plenary session before the summer recess starting in few days. Again, the law sparked controversy . Several Tunisian and International organizations  of the civil society expressed their opposition to the adoption of the law. Anti-corruption activists took to the streets in the capital as well as in several  Tunisian cities and villages. 

A youth campaign  " Manich Masmah " ( I do not pardon) organized several demonstrations including a big one in the capital

 It also  called for a  larger national   demonstration on July 25th, 2016. 

Personally, I think that every person that respects the Tunisian revolution and believes in its goals should oppose this economic reconciliation law. To begin with I am opposing this economic reconciliation law out of respect for  the Tunisian revolution, its martyrs,  its wounded who did not get the appropriate health care yet,  and  everyone who made sacrifices for it. It is true that the project of law is talking about reconciliation but it is rather an amnesty to the corrupt people who are behind the worsening of the situation in Tunisia and the rise of the authoritarian regime. It is an attack on the gains of the revolution. When it proposed this law the government in place pretended that the aim is the fulfillment of economic prosperity. But can we fulfill economic prosperity by allowing the corrupt people that led us to an awful economic situation to enjoy impunity and escape accountability? Can we fulfill economic prosperity by not respecting laws? 

This reconciliation law is in contradiction with the new Tunisian Constitution that was applauded by the entire world after its enactment. It is in contradiction with the Transitional Justice Law enacted in 2013. It is in contradiction with the International treaties and conventions about  the Transitional Justice Processes. It is in contradiction with the promises of the Government who had committed to fight corruption and impunity. 

Tunisians deserve to know the truth. They deserve to enjoy their right to accountability as to corruption and human rights violations.  The transitional justice process should include different steps: truth, justice reparations, and accountability. We cannot talk about reconciliation while ignoring these different stages. Moreover granting corrupt people amnesty would encourage them to keep on being corrupt and would not help Tunisian economy. 

What about the rights of the victims? What about reparations? 
Why did Tunisians revolt in 2011 ? 

This is why I will keep on fighting against the adoption of the economic reconciliation law and this is why I am urging very free Tunisian citizen to oppose it . 

You can see more photos here : 

The Economic Reconciliation Law Would be the End of the Tunisian Revolution

Last summer, the Tunisian government  had already tried to pass a law, known as the economic reconciliation law, and that would allow people who stole public funds and committed other financial crimes to enjoy amnesty for past crimes. That  draft law was proposed by the President of the Republic. It stirred controversy among politicians, anti-corruption activists and ordinary citizens. Several Tunisians had repeatedly  taken to the streets to show their opposition to such a law allowing the most corrupted people of the old regime to escape accountability. 

At the time, the protests halted the parliamentary debate on the bill. Nevertheless, on June 29, 2016 , the general committee on legislation started to debate it again. The members were asked to adopt the law in a plenary session before the summer recess starting in few days. Again, the law sparked controversy . Several Tunisian and International organizations  of the civil society expressed their opposition to the adoption of the law. Anti-corruption activists took to the streets in the capital as well as in several  Tunisian cities and villages. 

A youth campaign  " Manich Masmah " ( I do not pardon) organized several  demonstrations including a big one in the capital

 It also  called for a  larger national   demonstration on July 25th, 2016. 

Personally, I think that every person that respects the Tunisian revolution and believes in its goals should oppose this economic reconciliation law. To begin with I am opposing this economic reconciliation law out of respect for  the Tunisian revolution, its martyrs,  its wounded who did not get the appropriate health care yet,  and  everyone who made sacrifices for it. It is true that the project of law is talking about reconciliation but it is rather an amnesty to the corrupted people who are behind the worsening of the situation in Tunisia and the rise of the authoritarian regime. It is an attack on the gains of the revolution. When it proposed this law the government in place pretended that the aim is the fulfillment of economic prosperity. But can we fulfill economic prosperity by allowing the corrupted people that led us to an awful economic situation to enjoy impunity and escape accountability? Can we fulfill economic prosperity by not respecting laws? 

This reconciliation law is in contradiction with the new Tunisian Constitution that was applauded by the entire world after its enactment. It is in contradiction with the Transitional Justice Law enacted in 2013. It is in contradiction with the International treaties and conventions about  the Transitional Justice Processes. It is in contradiction with the promises of the Government who had committed to fight corruption and impunity. 

Tunisians deserve to know the truth. They deserve to enjoy their right to accountability as to corruption and human rights violations.  The transitional justice process should include different steps: truth, justice reparations, and accountability. We cannot talk about reconciliation while ignoring these different stages. Moreover granting corrupted people amnesty would encourage them to keep on being corrupted and would not help Tunisian economy. 

What about the rights of the victims? What about reparations? 
Why did Tunisians revolt in 2011 ? 

This is why I will keep on fighting against the adoption of the economic reconciliation law and this is why I am urging very free Tunisian citizen to oppose it . 

You can see more photos here : 

jeudi 21 juillet 2016

عن الشرف

و يسرقون الحياة و يقتلون و يريقون الدماء باسم الشرف ...
عن أيّ شرف يتحدثون شرف يقرنونه بغشاء و خصلة شعر ثائرة صادعة بالحياة أمام جهلهم تقضّ مضاجعهم و نهد شامخ أمام كبتهم و جسد حرّ متحرّر من خرافاتهم . أيّ شرف يتحدّثون عنه ؟ عن أيّ شرف تتحدّثون و قد فقدتم عقولكم ؟ الشرف شرف الأفعال , شرف العلم و المعرفة . شرف البذل و العطاء من أجل الانسانية جمعاء و من يرى شرفه في ثقب بين فخذين و في نقاب يسجن الجسد لا عقل له و لا شرف.

dimanche 17 juillet 2016

Notre Couffin protègera Notre Environnement

Le collectif Be.Tounsi, appelle à une journée d'action citoyenne nationale!, En attendant la législation qui interdira l'utilisation des sacs en plastique une fois pour toute, nous organisons une action citoyenne pour sensibilier les tunsisiens au retour à l'utilisation du couffin traditionnel, Cette action vise aussi à venir en aide aux artisans vanneurs qui ont des difficultés comme tout le reste du secteur arisanal! Partout en Tunisie, nous sommes appelés à préserver notre environnement, tout en consommant tunisien! L'action consistera à des opérations de sensibilisation dans les grandes surfaces,et sur les réseaux sociaux, ainsi qu'à un concours de la meilleure photo avec un couffin!
Voir ici

vendredi 15 juillet 2016

Conférence de Presse : Non au projet de loi sur la réconciliation économique.

Plusieurs organisations de la société civile  se sont associées pour organiser une conférence de presse qui s'est tenue le vendredi 15 Juillet 2016, à l’hôtel Mechtel, Tunis pour exprimer ouvertement leur opposition catégorique au projet de loi sur la réconciliation économique.

A travers cette initiative, les organisations participantes poursuivent la lutte contre ce projet de loi dont les principes portent atteinte au processus de justice transitionnelle et aux dispositions de la Loi organique n°2013-53 du 24 décembre 2013 relative à l’instauration de la justice transitionnelle et à son organisation.
Cette initiative a pour but d’unir les rangs de la société civile contre l'impunité et à lutter ensemble contre toute tentative de porter préjudice au processus de justice transitionnelle et aux droits des victimes.

Les 24 organisations et associations organisatrices sont : Avocats Sans Frontières, Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture, Organisation Tunisienne de Défense des Libertés Individuelles, Forum Tunisien des Droits Economiques et Sociaux, Association de Défense des Droits de l'Homme, Al Bawsala, Coordination Nationale Indépendante de la Justice Transitionnelle, Réseau Tunisien de la Justice Transitionnelle, Pôle Civil de Développement et des Droits de l'Homme, Association Al Karama, Tounissiet, Association Justice et Réhabilitation, Association Tunisienne de Droit de Développement, Centre TU-MED, Labo' Démocratique, Association Achbel Khmir, Association Khmir Environnement et Développement, Réseau De la Justice Transitionnelle pour les Femmes, Centre de Soutien à la Transition démocratique et aux Droits de l'Homme, Observatoire Tunisien de l'Indépendance de la Justice, Association Aswat Nissa
En partenariat avec: le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme, le Centre International pour la justice transitionnelle, le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement, Avocats Sans Frontières, l'Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International Tunisie. 

dimanche 3 juillet 2016

خاطرة على هامش محاكمة مدنين

من أقسى اللحظات التي يمكن أن يعيشها الانسان تلك التي تضعه أمام ظالميه أو المعتدين عليه من جديد و هو على دراية بأنّهم لم يحاسبوا و قد لا يحاسبوا أبدا على ما أقدموا عليه ... كانت تلك اللحظات خانقة قاتلة و قد كان من يفترض دوره احلال العدل يدير الامور تراخ و أياد مرتعشة ... مقرف الأمر في بلد يدّعي أولياء أمره بأنّه عاش انتقالا ديمقراطيا و دخل المرحلة التي تلي ذلك ..مقرف أن ترى المعتدي الغاشم يروي الاكذوبة تلو الاخرى و تجد نفسك مجبرا على الصمت لا لشيء لانّك في حضرة القضاء "المقضي" ... مقرف أن تجد نفسك أمام مجرمين يحابيهم من وجب عليه معاقبتهم ... مقرف أن تجد نفسك متّهما بعد ان بادرت برفع القضية ... من يعتقد أنّني أخاف الوقوف أمام الفضاء و أنا موقنة بأنّني مظلومة مخطئ و لا يعرف من أيّ طينة خلقت ... من يعتقد بأنّ هذه الطريقة ستثنيني عما بدأت و ستجعلني أتراجع يحلم ... أنا مستعدّة حتى لدخول السجن ظلما مقابل المحافظة على موقفي ... فجمّعوا ما شئتم ممّن سيشهدون زورا و أفعلوا ما شئتم فلن أتراجع .
... ساندت العديد ممّن لفّقتم لهم التهم جزافا فلن أعجز عن مساندة نفسي والوقوف أمام القضاء بكلّ أنفة و ثقة في النفس ... لم أعتد على أحد و ليس من طباعي الاعتداء على أحد ... فأنا أؤمن بالانسانية و أرفض اللجوء الى العنف مهما كان مأتاه و لا أجرؤ على ايذاء حشرة فمابالك انسان ... حاولتم تصويري في زيّ عاهرة أو هكذا خيّل لكم ..." ترتدي ملابس خليعة و تجلس فوق سيارتها بطريقة مثيرة و هي تدخّن سيجارة .... "أيكفي هذا لتجريمي و الاعتداء عليّ بالعنف ؟ هل هناك قانون يمنع التدخين في الشارع ؟
فاتكم بأنّني لم أدخّن يوما سيجارة ... يكتب هذا في استنطاق و يعاد أمام أسماع من دوره احلال العدل فيصمت ... يتشدّقون بالديمقراطية و يتهجّمون على كلّ من يدافع على حقوق الانسان متهمين اياه بتبييض الارهاب و غيرها من التهم التي باتت بالية و لا معنى لها و كان من المفترض ان تنسى مع رحيل المخلوع الساكن في قلوبهم و عقولهم أبدا ...يقدّمون أنفسهم كمن ناضل من اجل اسقاط الدكتاتورية و من حافظ على حقوق الانسان و حماه و يرتدون ثوب الضحية ناعتين ايانا بالمتاجرين بحقوق الانسان .. مضحك على قدر ما هو مقرف هذا الامر . أعرف أنّك تقرأ و انّهم يقرؤون و أعرف انّكم على جرم اخر تبحثون و لكنّني لا استطيع احترام من لا يحترم نفسه ... و سأصدع بافكاري دون خشية وخوف فقد أيقنت أنّ الظلم شعاركم و تدليس الحقائق اختصاصكم ... أخيرا سأقول حتّى و ان بادرت بالاعتداء فليس من حقّ أيّكان أن يعتدي عليّ بالعنف ... يكفي تكبيل يدي و عرضي على القضاء ... ولو كانت لهذه الدولة بعض من هيبة لعوقب المعتدون اداريا و قضائيا منذ حدوث ما حدث فانا اعيدها مرّة اخرى هذا الاعتداء كان اعتداءا على الدولة قبل أن يكون اعتداءا على شخصي المتواضع ... نعم فانا كنت في حماية الدولة لما اعتدى عليّ أعوان الدولة ...

مجرد رأي

نحن شعب لا يتعظّ من ماضيه و لا يحفظ دروس التاريخ و كأنّني بنا شعب قصير الذاكرة أو دعوني أقول معدوم الذاكرة. تستهوينا بعض عروض التهريج في مج...