dimanche 16 janvier 2011

The Future is Ours

This morning , I went to Kabbaria ( subburbs of Tunis). I had to stop in many roadblocks . Indeed, the kabbaria 's inhabitants were watching their families, houses and properties as several criminal groups have been attacking different cities in Tunisia after the collapse of Ben Ali's regime.

I knew that early in the morning a young man from the Kabbaria was killed by 3 men in an ambulance belonging to Aziza Othmana hospital .

                                                            Papers found in the car

The blood of the young man killed this morning 

The inhabitants said that they arrested  one of the gangsters who were in the ambulance . They discovered that they belong to the presidential guard. In fact, they found the identity card of one of them.
Not far from this place, I entered the house of teh young man killed in the morning. 

                                                     The young man killed by a bullet this morning
Outside the house , in the metro station the inhabitants arrested 3 gangsters who were trying to attack  them and their house. The angry  inhabitants arrested them . They were waiting for the army to come and take them or their corpses away. 

                            One of the gangsters arrested this morning , according to the inhabitants he is a policeman

Tunisians are protecting their country . Tunisians are protecting each other. Tunisians fought to obtain their freedom and I believe that Tunisians won't let anyone steal this victory. So let's work together . The future is ours.

19 commentaires:

  1. Bonjour Lina,

    Tu as raison, "personne ne doit voler la victoire du Peuple Tunisien".

    Il va donc falloir être très vigilent sur ce qui va se passer ( se passe ).

    J’espère que le pays ne sombrera pas dans le chaos.

    Malheureusement le passage est difficile, les sous-fifres de l'ancien Dictateur en ont décidé autrement.

    A la télé, on entend que des policiers en civil tirent "sur tout ce qui bouge dans la rue".Que des comités de citoyen ont décidé de défendre leur famille, leur bien leur quartier, que faire d'autre ?.

    Je me demande ce que va faire l’armée tout en pensant que c'est elle qui a débarqué A.B et qui a les clefs du renouveau Tunisien.

    Lina faites attention, nous ne souhaitons pas qu'il vous arrive un problème svp.

    Merci encore pour vos témoignages.

    Amitiés Résistante Tuunisian Girl

    A bientôt ( je suis le blog )


  2. Lina,

    Je suis piraté sur le dernier message


  3. Bonsoir Lina
    Je pense très important pour soutenir la TUNISIE aujourd'hui de continuer de venir dans ce très beau pays, ou l'accueil est chaleureux,
    IL FAUT SAUVER LE TOURISME , le relancer très vite , garder confiance , faire comprendre aux politiques de tous les pays de ne pas faire rapatrier leurs citoyens , si le tourisme meurt, c'est une partie de l'économie qui meurt avec lui

  4. hope the violence and blood shed dies and your country gets a chance to heal and start building a bright future, lots of love to Tunisians every where.


  5. Hi Lina!

    I'm from Spain. I write a blog about social and political movements of the Maghreb. I still currently in Tunisia through various newspapers and blogs, but I would like closer information about what is happening there to write an article also published in my blog can send digital magazines in Spanish.

    I would therefore be able to do some interviews with several Tunisian blogger. If you're interested, could you contact me? You can do so via my blog.

    Thank you very much and encouragement.

  6. I linked yoy blogg from my blogg.

    keep up the good work.

  7. Hi Lina!
    Do you want to wright an article about the situation for the Swedish newpaper ETC? It´s an independent redwing weekly paper.
    In that case, what would you say of writing in english, and that we translate it?

    Keep in touch,
    Klara Strandberg
    +46 708 48 57 06

  8. hello!
    Happy to see that you are doing well!
    I feel so happy for Tunisia! and not so proud of French Government...
    Please go on!

  9. Toujours impeccable, ton travail... Mais peux-tu nous donner des nouvelles de tes amis disparus? Et quels commentaires fais-tu sur le nouveau gouvernement?

  10. Saw you and heard the name of your blog on the main-program about foreign affairs:URIX, on NRK 1 tv in Norway tonight,30 min. about the situation in Tunis: Put three people from the opposition among the other old, well-off members of the government is not even a bad cosmetic solusion,its a hoax. Ali Baba is gone, but there are 30 other robbers left, at least. Best wishes to the youth, Im 70. viggoviking

  11. Mohammed Ghannouchi vous devez ouvrir votre gouvernement à des membres de l'opposition qui était illégale du temps de Ben Ali. La composition actuelle du gouvernement n'est pas satisfaisante.

  12. hi
    U are very brave...all the best& take care

  13. Coucou Lina; bravo !
    Le geste de Bouazizi nous interpelle tous.
    Monsieur Ghannouchi vous avez une immense responsabilité...

  14. Hi Lina!
    I saw your blog in the newspaper, and I just had to take a look. I'm from Norway and I have a boyfriend from Tunisia. I really hope u don't get in trouble for this blog (like they said u were afraid of in the newspaper), because this really helps people. And it helps me.
    They don't say enough on the news, and that's very sad. Because I want to know everything that is going on in this wonderful country my boyfriend lives in.

    Thank u for giving us all the details about what's going on. U seem like a strong woman that fights for your country and what u believe in :) I hope Tunisia and u tunisian people will have everything u deserve in the future :) I LOVE YOUR COUNTRY !

    Good luck. I will continue follow your blog :)


  15. Le peuple tunisien a brisé ses chaines aujourd'hui, continuons à nous battre pour notre liberté, démocratie, et notre pays. Je vis en France depuis plus d'un demi siècle et lorsque je passais mes vacances dans ma tunisie natale, je repartais avec un goût amer et une boule dans le ventre de voir mon peuple opprimé, méprisé. Vive la Liberté, Vive ma Tunisie

  16. salut lina tu ne donne des nouveau sur les tunisien arreter dernierement comme le rappeur el general et d'autre?merci pour ce blog .faite gaffe a ses membre de RDC il font pas ce qu'il faut pour les tunisien il pense qu'a leur gain et leur pouvoir soyer vigilant .nour de france

  17. Merci tout le monde
    J 'apprécie votre soutien au peuple tunisien.
    Les2 blogueurs et le rappeur ont été libéré il y'a 5 jours.
    Thank you

    I appreciate your support to Tunisian people the bloggers and the rap singer were released 5 days ago.Best

  18. hello Lina,
    keep strong because the future is yours for sure
    love from sue in spain

  19. in response to your facebook msg. here is our

    We are representing facebook group “Organisation l'aide Humanitaire à la Tunisie!!!
    We would like you to help us in advancement of humanitarian causes in particular distribution essential food & clothing to the most needy families in the country.
    We desperately need a credible list of such families.
    We want to distribute food, clothing and secular educational materials to the children & youth.
    We want to promote self reliance, educate and provide people with any entrepreneur assistance.
    Those are very immediate tasks ahead of “Organisation l'aide Humanitaire à la Tunisie” a chapter of “Tous unis pour une Tunisie LAÏQUE”
    We are currently working on the Organisation l'aide Humanitaire à la Tunisie Act, which we would like you to help us promote and distribute on behalf of all Tunisian women & men.


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