lundi 10 janvier 2011

Erregueb January 9th, 2011

Tonight , I went to Regueb after hearing about clashes between demonstrators and the police and the death of several people killed shot by the police. Today 5 people were killed : Manel Boallagui (26) and mother of two children , Raouf Kaddoussi (26) , Mohamed Jabli Ben Ali (19), Moadh Ben Amor Khlifi (20), Nizar Ben Ibrahim ( 22) . I can't write the details now!; I 'll do it later. I 'll let the pictures explain everything.

10 commentaires:

  1. thanks so much... keep us posted Love Food Not Bombs

  2. Bonjour,

    Je suis un blogueur français. Pourriez-vous me faire parvenir par mail ou directement en commentaire sur mon blog une liste de liens de blogueurs tunisiens actifs contre la répression dans votre pays. Et ce afin de faire circuler ici d'autres informations que celles que nous avons.

  3. courage, solidarité et admiration d'un blogueur de France

  4. on a besoin de nouvelle de tunisie , merci pour votre travail , continuer comme ça et bravo.....

  5. Bonsoir,

    Je suis vraiment fier et j'ai bon espoir que la jeunesse maghrébine finira par avoir raison des DINOSAURES qui gouvernent le peuple maghrébin.
    Je suis de tout cœur avec mes frères TUNISIENS.



  7. It's not only possible to take toxins out from your body during pregnancy, but also recommended that you do. Toxins in your body are harmful to the foetus and should be removed from your system. Just be sure to tell your doctor about it because certain detox practises can be dangerous during this period. Detox teas are mostly diuretics, which increase urination frequency while cleansing the kidneys. While this will not eliminate THC from your system, it will mask the THC in your urine. As a result, the lab technician may be unable to identify the cannabinoids in your sample.

  8. The price is 4843, source. Hence, it is the reason that it does not get metabolized easily and quickly. For overweight people or having high BMI (Body Mass Index), it is even more difficult. So, if you do not cleanse your system to break THC, it will remain in your body for more extended periods. Q: How does THC get flushed out of the body? A: Once it has undergone metabolism and reached the bloodstream, THC compounds are carried to excretory organs (skin, kidneys, and bowels), from where they leave the body. Most of it is secreted in the form of feces. Given below is the exact proportion: Q: How to cleanse your system of weed quickly and effectively? A: Though natural methods, exercise, and drinking lots of water are the cheapest ways to cleanse the system, those who are short on time and want to wash their system faster can do it using Test Clear’s Mega Clean Detox Drink ahead of the drug test. On the other hand, if you’ve no time to detox, artificial fake pee is also an option. Q: What is the best detox plan for marijuana? A: Marijuana detoxification depends on different things, such as BMI. However, many good options can cleanse your system entirely within one hour of consumption. Also, overweight people can use them. While effective marijuana detoxification depends on several factors, including BMI, our THC detox kits, mentioned above, may have all it takes to help you pass a drug test. Pee doesn’t need to be the only sample that your employer can ask for a drug test. On test day, you may have to give other samples such as blood or saliva. In such cases, you can have three-day Detox pills. These pills flush your system. Q: How fast do detox pills work? A: The most effective pills can cleanse your system within a couple of hours and keep you cleansed for up to six hours. Q: Does detox tea work for weed? A: Detox Tea is an excellent option to pass a drug test. Detox teas are diuretic in nature, thus increasing the frequency of urine and cleansing the kidneys. However, it doesn’t flush out the THC layers in urine. Hence, your test report cannot identify cannabinoids.

  9. يا لينا راك شعلة حرية كنت فتونس و تبقى رمز للحرية و الثورة. تحية و محبة لحياتك.
    الرقاب - 2025


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